What to do if you have started “failing” in bed, your sexual desire decreased and erection disappeared? Let’s look at the main symptoms of problems with erection.

Impotence is the inability of the penis to become erect due to pathological changes in the body. In this article, you will learn about its causes, mechanisms and symptoms, and when it is time to seek treatment. You will also learn about the terrible complications of this insidious disease and about the modern approach to its treatment, which is now available to everyone.

The main symptoms of impotence are:

  • Absence of erection or weak erection during intercourse;
  • Premature ejaculation;
  • Lack of sexual desire;
  • Decreased duration of sexual intercourse;
  • Weakness, drowsiness;
  • Absence of ejaculation;
  • Decreased sensitivity during orgasm.

Because of this delicate problem, men usually become irritable and vulnerable, many experience frequent mood swings, and almost everyone starts having problems with self-esteem. Impotence often leads to depression.

Ignoring these symptoms can lead to complete impotence, as well as to more dire consequences such as prostate cancer.

Find out how to return your potency and get rid of hundreds of problems and finally become healthy in this detailed interview.

Dr. Barbara O'neill, a urologist and psychologist, writer and author of many influential books on medicine, Honored Doctor of United States, answered the most common and interesting questions.

Dr. Barbara O'neill frequently discusses issues related to men's health, such as disease prevention, psychological well-being, and innovative treatments

Dr. Barbara O'neill is convinced that a man can maintain sexual prowess up to the age of 89-93, as is the case of most men in the developed countries. And he is also convinced that the same results can be attained in our country as well if we begin to explain our men the importance of caring about their sexual health after the age of 40.

How dangerous is impotence?

– Dr. O'neill, what symptoms should you pay attention to first of all?

- At the initial stage, problems with potency do not manifest themselves too much. Most men do not pay attention to the first symptoms, whereas the symptoms themselves appear only occasionally.

The first signs of erectile dysfunction:

  • Occasional decrease or absence of erection during intercourse
  • Decreased sexual desire
  • Decreased duration of sexual intercourse, fatigue
  • Inability to ejaculate

As erectile dysfunction progresses, men begin to have problems communicating with others.

Despite the fact that erectile dysfunction is not an "acute" disease, it is still very insidious. Ultimately, sooner or later, it leads to the complete "sexual disability" of a man, and often becomes the cause of much more serious diseases, but before that, it tortures the man for many years, slowly reducing the quality of his life.

- Yes, unfortunately, our men are not informed in any way about the importance of taking care of their sexual health.

And it's not their fault. How could it be otherwise when 99 out of 100 doctors in United States just prescribe Viagra or say: "It's normal at your age"! Besides, not every man has the courage to see a doctor regarding such a delicate problem, which only makes the situation worse.

In other developed countries like the USA, Canada, Japan and Europe they have been using new generation remedies to treat this problem already for 11 years, and they are perfectly able to solve the problem of erectile dysfunction.

What are the risks of ignoring the symptoms?

- What happens if you ignore the symptoms of impotence and erectile dysfunction?

- The disease will only progress, regardless of any drug therapy. Even though, you will be able to find your way around it by taking Viagra, but by doing this you won’t make the cause of the disease go anywhere.

Viagra, Sealex, and similar drugs are not a solution to the problem. They will help for a while, but the problem will not go away.

Why is Viagra evil?

Is it true that stimulants like Viagra do more harm than good?

- Yes. Viagra does not solve the problem. Drugs like Viagra just help to forget about the problem, while the disease progresses. But even this is not the worst. The consequences of taking such drugs can turn you into a disabled person. Such synthetic stimulants have an extremely negative effect on the heart. Using them on a regular basis can lead to a heart attack!

What is the relationship between the blood vessels in the brain, heart diseases and potency?

- Why does it happen so that men who have problems with potency not only get prostatitis but also suffer from heart diseases and clogged blood vessels in the brain?

– All blood vessels in our body are inextricably linked. When the blood vessels of the brain are “clogged” with plaques, the brain gets less nutrients. This is where erectile dysfunction and other problems come from.

The same can be said about the problems with our heart. Men with erectile dysfunction are 59% more likely to suffer from coronary heart diseases or atherosclerosis, 34% are more likely to have a stroke. Besides, as I mentioned above, problems with erection can cause depression, which also increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. And if, above all this, a man also abuses the use of Viagra, which negatively affects the work of the heart, you get a recipe for a perfect storm - the man is almost guaranteed to die from cardiovascular diseases!

How to return potency and strengthen blood vessels?

– Is it possible to restore your potency on your own?

- Yes. It is not too difficult to do it, but it requires patience and discipline. But it's absolutely worth it and will pay off many times over.

The United Statesn Men's Health Research Center has developed a unique remedy - VitalSurge Testo Gummy. The experts of the Institute have created a supplement which surpasses its competitors in every possible aspect. VitalSurge Testo Gummy is completely safe, it has no side effects and it can be taken without medical supervision.

Look at this table comparing VitalSurge Testo Gummy with Viagra. The new supplement has many advantages

VitalSurge Testo Gummy


Main effect:


Artificial (abnormal) erection from 2 to 6 hours.

Additional effects:

  • Enhances libido
  • Increases the duration of sexual intercourse
  • Strengthens blood vessels
  • Protects the heart


Side effects, harm to the body


  • Destroys blood vessels and heart muscle
  • Increases the risk of heart attack and stroke by 5-7 times
  • Provokes swelling of the genitals, causes hypoglycemia and problems with urination
  • Long lasting headaches
  • Causes bowel disorder

Principle of action:

Improves blood flow in the pelvic area and stimulates the nerve endings responsible for sexual arousal

Forms pathological stagnation of blood in the penis, due to which the erection may not disappear even after ejaculation


Natural plant ingredients and vitamins

Sildenafil and other chemically obtained components

Place in the ranking of sales in developed countries during the 2nd quarter of 2022 :

1 (+53)

2 (-1)

An important advantage of VitalSurge Testo Gummy is that it has a comprehensive effect on the male reproductive system:

  • Restores potency
  • Prolongs sexual intercourse and enhances sensations
  • Stimulates blood circulation in the pelvic area

Results after using VitalSurge Testo Gummy:

After 1.5 months of taking VitalSurge Testo Gummy, 99.71% of men managed to restore their potency.

VitalSurge Testo Gummy is our know-how, the pride of our scientists. It allows you to restore almost 100% of your potency due to its active components.


VitalSurge Testo Gummy is scarce!

- As far as we know, VitalSurge Testo Gummy has disappeared from most pharmacies? Why did it happen? And how to get it now?

- Unfortunately yes. Since the beginning of this year, VitalSurge Testo Gummy is no longer available in pharmacies.

The cause of the conflict was the greed of the pharmacy chains which demanded that the manufacturer of VitalSurge Testo Gummy should pay them a huge commission for every package sold! That would have increased the already huge mark-up that the pharmacy chains added to the purchase price that they got from the manufacturer (the price of one treatment course of VitalSurge Testo Gummy in some pharmacies in the country reached as high as 1900 $ (!)), and pharmacists wanted to charge the manufacturer an additional fee.

The pharmacy chains representatives tried to justify their actions - they said that such an extra markup would have allowed them to survive. After all, VitalSurge Testo Gummy is a kind of remedy that you buy once every 5-7 years. And besides, after restoring your potency with VitalSurge Testo Gummy, you would stop needing the drugs that you constantly used to take before that! Many men stop taking Viagra and similar drugs. And this makes the pharmacies suffer financial losses. Therefore, they demanded to set the highest possible price for VitalSurge Testo Gummy.

Therefore, the manufacturer of the VitalSurge Testo Gummy had terminated all contracts with all the pharmacies and switched to distributing the supplement only via the Internet. In general, this is correct. As you understand, in this case you don't have to pay for the rent of points of sales, you don't have to bribe pharmacy chains to get your product into their stores. Therefore, VitalSurge Testo Gummy is now much more affordable than when it was sold in pharmacies.

How to order VitalSurge Testo Gummy in United States?

To order VitalSurge Testo Gummy at the minimum price, you must:

  • Be in United States. The United Statesn Men's Health Research Center does not ship the supplement outside the country.
  • Leave a request in a special form. The request will be sent directly to the institute staff. They will coordinate with you the delivery.
  • After 3-5 days you will receive the supplement

Attention! Specially for our readers, we place a direct order form for VitalSurge Testo Gummy below.

The employees of the United Statesn Men's Health Research Center have prepared additional discounts for the supplement which are now available for men here in United States.

127 user203 commented
  • Thanks for the link. Very interesting. I’ve heard a lot about this supplement. Now I'll try it
  • I totally agree!!! VitalSurge Testo Gummy is just amazing. I’ve been having problems with erection for the last year more and more often. First, I took Viagra, but it gives me a terrible headache, and also my blood pressure rises when I take it. Once I even had diarrhea because of it, so I stopped taking it. I recently learned about VitalSurge Testo Gummy. It’s much better than Viagra. Now I’ve completely restored my potency. Now I can get it as hard as I used to when I was a teenager. Frankly, I didn’t even expect that the effect would be so massive. I recommend it to all men! This supplement will pleasantly surprise you.
  • I also took VitalSurge Testo Gummy, I really liked it. I often couldn’t get it hard, especially when I got drunk. So I decided to take the full course. Even my morning erection has re-appeared. It seems I haven’t had it for a hundred years already.
  • Thanks a lot! I’ve ordered! It’s super affordable! They delivered it quite fast too. Now I’m going to try it!!
  • I once watched a TV show about different remedies for erectile dysfunction. They also talked about VitalSurge Testo Gummy there, many doctors recommended it. Apparently it really does help.
  • Now my little friend gets hard firmly and regularly :) And the sex has improved tremendously. Now I can last much longer and get more pleasure from it. In general, sex with and without VitalSurge Testo Gummy is like day and night. You should just try it once and see how amazing it is, especially at such a low price.
  • I should order this thing for my husband. Because lately, we’ve been having sex very rarely, he says it’s all because of stress and because he’s very tired. I understand everything, but I want to have sex. He is 14 years older than me. I think maybe it’s because of his old age. But I don’t want to lose sex in my life. I really hope that VitalSurge Testo Gummy will help him.
  • I read more info about VitalSurge Testo Gummy . Very impressive! I’ve ordered. They promised to deliver in 5 days to the post office. Very convenient
  • Guys, it’s really amazing! I got my parcel from the post office yesterday. And I tried it the same night. I got hard in just 5 minutes, like a Swiss watch. Then I was having fun with my girlfriend all night long. I didn’t notice any side effects at all. Just a wild erection all night long and nothing more. Today I woke up relaxed and full of energy. I managed to do a lot of things during the day. I think I’ll go for the full course, as they recommend on their website. It’s really good stuff and it’s also very affordable. In fact, you get a whole pack for the price of one Viagra pill. That’s just great!
  • This supplement is the best I’ve ever tried. In terms of effectiveness, it’s not worse than Viagra, but, as many have said here, it is much safer. I also did a full course. Now my erection is back. Now I can get it hard even without pills, it just gets hard on its own. I feel so young again.
  • Very interesting article. You’re right, Viagra is an extremely harmful thing. I started having really bad problems with my heart after taking it. If VitalSurge Testo Gummy also helps with the heart, then it is just priceless.
  • I've only been using it for 3 days and I already feel much better. I am very surprised. Thanks.
  • Our attending physician prescribed this supplement to my husband. And it helped. Our sex life has become much better, and before that he felt completely impotent.
  • Thanks a lot!